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love day

wrote on february 14 2013

today is love day.
today, i do love thee.
as well as tomorrow
and the days to come.

to love is a gift and to know how to love with a truly open heart can be challenging.  i constantly am reminding myself ... asking myself ... did i look at that situation, that person with an open heart ... a place of love?

if you can do that, then all will be well, always.  it's just harder than it sounds.  the ego, amongst many other little beasts, get in the way and absorb the love that could come from most situations.

make everyday LOVE day.  come to the table of life with an open heart.

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i will fly away

absolutely simplify;
its all we need.
bring in
ways to keep us
and rethink,
we can imagine
all you got,
light and shadows
learn to lean.

with fuel and fire
tinged in awe,
individual nature,
and fierce fortitude
of a certain value,
of considerable use;
love, actually.

i know i know
how to fly
let me keep my wings
in peace you'll see.
in wild abandonment,
sit in the sun
just because you can;
glory in song,
i will fly away.

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the home bound song

i feel
the home bound song,
the start that meets up
with the finish,
the road,
all a blur.

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up there

i can feel the pulse, the warmth and
the sudden spells of coolness,
the air seems to fly and dance around the planes of my flesh
relaxed and with spirit
i am thinking

i'm thinking of story books and fairy tales and creatures from beyond
if they truly
can exist, within our memories, or if
they are just a twinkle of hope for the taking,
then fleeting, they go

i'm dream, dreaming so big, so wide
i'm actually convincing myself it could be so,
all of it could be so, will be
but, i do, just sit

it is in there, up there
that i fully flourish
and follow through
it is easy, it is natural
up, above and beyond
the being

every idea is so thick, so full of kinetic energy
it permeates through
and into my veins, spreading continuously
like waves onto a beach,
as if it were to never stop.

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life changing

HOPE ( No. 1)

you look like
and brim stone
your eyes
well up
like pools,
of some truth.

i see you
laying there,
tangled and pulled and bent and gnarled,
dripping and oozing
with life,

we think
you are

i say hallelujah!

WHOLE (No. 2)

chatter of emergencies
and wrecks and tests,
wind blowing my hair,
paper and cigarette butts,
change rattling,
humming ...
i hear,
gentle humming.


w a i t i n g.

we're waiting,
but blessed.
blessed with hope.
blessed with heart.

in the middle,
we started.

praying, knowing
what we wished ...
that you'd wave,
blink an eye ...

move, please move.

wake up,
heal up,
come back to us,

A PLAN?  (No. 3)

metal chunked and twisted
fast cars and liquor
don't fix

leftovers on pavement,
we wished you would
have stayed!

lines, bubbles, machines
all pacing,
helping you, stay
with us.

it plays continuously
in my memory,
continuously burdening
my heart ...

to go back
and make you

but, i could not,
you could not
and you walked where you must
in god's plan.

because ...
god does have a plan,
for you.


music in your ears,
hear, do you hear me?

music in your heart,
feel, do you feel me?

music in your eyes,
see, do you see me?

i need you to wake up
and hear the music.

i need you to wake up
and feel my presence.

i need you to wake up
and see me
up, for you.

tell me
that you
know me,
knowing you,
knowing me.

tell me
the music hasn't stopped.

***the life changing poems are very dear to my heart.  i wrote these within a week or so after july 31, 2011, but just getting around to sharing them.  this day was life changing for many people, especially two of my dear friends.  they were hit by a drunk driver and their lives, along with their families and friends, were forever changed.  i will never forget that night or all the months that came after ... never.  it has changed me.  it is a miracle that they are both alive today, but the journey has been a long and challenging one and the journey is not over.  i don't want to go into more details, but the ones that experienced this with us will know what it was like, what it is like.  there was so much intense energy at the ER and ICU during that first week, as well as the many months after ...  i just started writing a bit about the energy i felt from myself and others around me.  we were all joined with similar energy and hope and constant prayer.  these are for my friends and their families.  i love you guys.

you never know, when in an instant, life as you know it will change, forever.  take hold of the beauty and blessings today and don't take anyone or anything for granted.  make your self this promise.  i have.

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earlier in a daydream

centered in gravity

for sun,

... turning

every corner,
with the pull.

i don't want to loop this pull

i can't
tie this string

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life and death, do not fear

*old journal entry found from june 24, 2011

i think i understand what this world is made of and what it may have to offer ... half the time.

it's full of questions and answers, actions and reactions, meaning and meaninglessness.

in due time, it has the power to humble and set straight even the loudest of characters.  for when we are born, we set in motion our death ... and all the ounces in between, of this great weight, is in the living.  birth, living, death.

i just read somewhere, according to some grande studies, that most do not ponder this is their life, unless their life has come to a crossroads where they, indeed, intersect death in some form.  only then, do they gain back their memory of death.

i don't know if i'm an exception, or i'm morbid or something (well, i think not, for i know thyself), but i think of this natural process often.  i try to find meaning as to why i understand this cycle, most days, i think i know.  my conclusion is that we must not shy away from it, because in due time, well at anytime, it's confidently ours for the taking.  to pretend otherwise, i believe, is just foolish and, well, will leave too much shell shock if allowed to burst in all at one time.

my other conclusion is reason, logic, and understanding of natural order in this life, (we'll talk about empathy later).  everything has this order; and everything cycles.  i'm obsessed with change; it's many forms, it's meaning, the questions of why.  and it's been answered:  because.  because that's the way it is.  it works.  what's most fascinating is watching these changes and seeing (right away or a ways down the line) ... the ripple affect.  ever heard of the story that one butterfly's flap of wing can possibly cause great change all the way across the world.  just imagine!

can we control this change?  no.  what?  are we not supposed to let that little butterfly fly?  of course not, fly and run your course, we would advise.  same with us, fly and run your course.  trust in the process, do not fear it.  but i believe, in order not to fear it, we have to face it, accept it, understand it the best way we can.  to pretend it's not there is a grave mistake ... and, well, useless.

i think by the end of it, we will have to change in so many ways.  it's a process of embracing and then, letting go.  a life of learning this is awaiting you, whether you like it or not. a fact in my book.

so, in order to face this, accept this, understand this - we first may have to recognize why we may fear it.  i think a lot of things are tangled and tied into this fear ... but all these things will have to change, take on new form, and be embraced for what they are in order to face the fear ... without the fear.

it's tangled in meaning and purpose and assumptions.  we all live by these and are somewhat uniquely defined by the way we define and live by our own meanings, purpose, and assumptions.  i feel what gets in the way are very simple things, yet they act so profoundly as stumbling blocks in gaining this perspective and, then, we have to learn how to release it properly.  vanity, pride, selfishness, self and/or society induced importance.  these are serious and how you understand them can cause great affliction or great relief.  all of them interwoven precariously in our own perception of ourselves vs. the world.

so, with that said, let's clear something up, now pay attention, for this is very important:

we are all equal.  we are ALL on the same playing field.  always.  every last person that is alive, that came before you and will come after you ... all on the same playing field.  ALL = SAME.

this will shoot your vanity , pride, self importance down, for sure, and with great hope.  don't get me wrong, you are important and were created with a purpose ... but you are not THAT important.  and that's completely OKAY.

okay, yes, you are different and, yes, your life holds value ... but no more than the rest of us.  so, i'm sure some of you reading already get this ... and if so, let this be affirmation.  for the others, please take note and do not let this discourage, but encourage.

this is a very encouraging insight.  

now is the time to step outside of yourself and understand you are part of a whole. a PART.

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reflection.  mirror images ... of people, places, things, and ideas.  we are reflections of everything else.

i love being alive and actually realizing how much i am alive.  life is for the living.  death is for the dying.  we recycle, along with everything else.  if all else recycles, changes form, goes back into another, why shall we not?  it is easy, but we make it so complicated.  WE complicate it.  we label such things and everything else based on reflections of what we think we've seen and/or know.  what if we don't know?

or, what if we knew, but because it was way too simple, too regular (as the same as the rest of living things) we have to elaborate.  we are vain as a whole, we love to be special, so indeed, we must give special labels, ideas, patterns to this simple truth.

SIMPLIFY, everything.

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the inner journey

mesmerized by sultry and silky mirrors
i see
i see thee
peering at me
through the looking glass

hallowing to mention death
to understand the body
that it will happen
it will.

a gift wrapped in wicked dreams
warnings and blessings of what is to come

to process it, one must let go of reasoning
let go of pride
and importance
and setting yourself apart,
as you were meant to die
like every other person.


dying is a very extreme physiological event.

we have "frontal lobe preoccupation during the day" and the
"things we don't want to know, we know in our dreams"

dreams can be reality.

we can dream our way into what we want?

let me be blessed with beautiful and wonderful moments
when i awake
when i sleep

did you know that as for telepathy, animals are more prone to this.  we can pick up on this.  a special communication "from George", the horse, spoke to her in a dream.

getting signals from the real world that i can only process when i'm dreaming?
we over estimate our ability to control things, we dilute ourselves,
possessed by feelings.

we can only perceive 5 things by our brain, we have perimeters in the rational brain.

wakefulness is a hormone from our brain that occurs when you sleep, the perfect condition for learning.  search for truth in your dreams, because we have an electric brain that is constantly firing and storing things in order.

you are too busy taking it all in during the day, at night "busy business" happens and it all gets filed away and processed at night when its quiet.

you can change a dream ... if you want to, so "they" say.

connecting physical to the spirit world.  you can manifest, believe.  you cannot walk in the spirit world with fear, very important that you not be scared.

the time has come for you to be brave.

if you are fearful, then you are leaking your power.

you have to be brave for death.

** random poems and thoughts, inspired from a documentary about a lady that was sick and possibly facing death and a little about her journey.

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so, this is how it happens.

inspired by this lady on a documentary ....

"so, this is how it happens, quick, painless"

"i imagine my next birthday, again and again and again"
will our mind save us for what is to come?
can i wish myself into the next year, the next decade?

death comes to us in our dreams
casting a white shadow

how is it death will visit you in dreams
before it takes you?

like we've ordered a train ticket
and the conductor is sending us a
friendly reminder?

don't forget about your trip
don't forget you are leaving
leaving, everything

this is depressing.
the reality of NO control
no scheduling
no tomorrow

and you finally understand,
life will go on
without you.